mrsgeno's place

Monday, September 26, 2005

woohoo see what I did all alone

lol, i got the blog counter on my site and did it all alone, well from clicking on it from mikey's site and copying and pasting but i found the right spot to put it in lol

New Job

well I think I am going to really like this job, today was interesting till lunch then it got boring lol I figured out how to work the whole computer just from watching the guy that is training me, only thing I need to learn which will be from lots of looking up the questions asked it all the parts and how to trouble shoot the water softners and other products that they sell. seems like any job your get here you get paid every 2 weeks it sucks at first but it's nice getting that big pay check. we get paid on tuesdays which is weird and is going to really suck cause i will get my first check in 4 weeks for one day pay YUCK.. It's hot here tonight, suppose to be 103 tomarrow. robots comes out tomarrow woohoo can't wait to get it and watch it looks like it's going to be real funny

Sunday, September 25, 2005

wanted to show everyone a cool picture I took

this is how dark it was out durning the lightening show picture below is how bright the sky lite up

sunday drive up a mountain

Geno and me went for a drive alone lol, up a mountain. took some pictures of the mountain and cactuses. making cornish hens for dinner with steamed broccoli and cauliflower and mashed potatoes. start work tomarrow, hopefully it won't be a boring job. stone building just before going up the mountain another building, didn't see any scorpions but sure there are some around here and probably snakes too. standing with regular focus on camara picture of downtown phoenix standing with zoom on camara of downtown phoenix cactus

Friday, September 23, 2005

TGIF I guess lol

doesn't matter what the day is now, Geno works 7 days a week most of the time. Didn't get the job I wanted but still got one that I start Monday, hoping it is a good one lol. I know that their medical benefits suck costs too much, they pay full for employees but family coverage is like 200+ a week which is stupid cause you still have co-pays . Think I'm just going to set up a medical account at the bank and put the money in that so if anyone needs to go to the doctors we will pay cash..... Samm will get free medical through the native american tribe here. went through and hung pictures around the house making it look more like a home, doing laundry whats great is hanging it out on the porch on one of those racks it is dry by the time the next load is ready to go out no using the dryer.... glad rita is heading a different way then they thought maybe gas wont go up as bad as they say

Thursday, September 22, 2005

LOL blog burp I guess

Just checked my page and see that the other times I tried posting and they got errors and didn't go through acually went through oh well.....

interview interview interview

went to another interview the other day, it is for customer service but not like a call center one, it is for a water softner company, I would be taking apts, and complaints from customers was offered the job to start monday making $10 an hour went to one on monday for a land scapping company it is a small business, and I would be doing lots of office work it's a job I know I would really like, hoping friday comes and they call me. not sure what the pay is lol forgot to ask, but its alright cause this is the job I want, everyone pray for me to get it ... tried posting the other day but kept getting an error so I gave up. didn't go to work yesterday at the portrait studio lol hate working till 7pm, and they called me this morning to work alone at a different store, I have only had 3 days training lol it wasn't like it is a rocket science to take photos but taking ones that sell more then just the package... I have only taken 1 group of photos on 1 human and it was an adult lol. other then that I been taking pictures of a stuffed bear who is very coroprative most of the time lol. well confused on what to do , would like to take the photos maybe on a occasional weekend, guess I will have to talk to them, cause I really know I don't want to do it all the time because of the hours, I like being home to make dinner and eat dinner with the family. and dont like coming home at 7pm or later and having to cook then, gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr have no idea oh well life goes on

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

interview interview interview

guess I will try this again, for some reason the blog got an error when i tried to post went to an interview monday at a small land scapping business, very casual office everyone wore jeans which I like, I would be doing invoices, a/r, making apointments, and other office work , I really hope I get it , it is something I know I would enjoy doing and not hating to go into work,,, had another interview today for a water softner company it is a very quaint office but dressy casual, and I would be on a leash, even though it is totally different from the other customer service job i had I really not sure I want it, they offered the job to me today to start monday getting 10 an hour working m-f. I am iffy on taking it cause I really dont want to go through all the training and find a different job that I like and leave them, the 2 guys I met with today were cool and funny, and there is lots of room for advancement... I DON"T KNOW LOL I will be quiting the portrait studio cause I have working till 7 or 8 every night and working weekends, also being on my feet 8 to 11 hours aday, i do love taking the pictures of the babies they are ssssoooo cute everyone pray for me to get the job at the land scapping place, I should hear from them by friday... well have to go get samm from work

interview after interview

went to an interview monday and I really hope I get this job, something that I think well I know I will enjoy doing, it is working for a small landscapping business. I will be doing the apointments, a/r, sending invoices, and other office work, it is a very casual office everyone was in jeans so I really felt a little over dressed lol but talking with the wife owner, sounds real promising. also went on another interview today at a water softner company its a corporation but the office here is small, the only thing I didn't like about this job is being on a leash on the phone I would be talking to customers who are complaining about something not working or something broken lol, I was offered the job starting at 10 an hour and can start monday, probably could have started tomarrow if I said I could but didnt want to do that cause I am keeping my fingers crossed for the other job, they are suppose to get back to me by friday. I will be quiting the portrait studio cause I need a real job, I hate working till 7 or 8 at night and always working on weekends , and being on my feet 8 to 11 hours a day I love photographing the babies, they are so cute. oh well everyone pray for me to get the job at the land scapping place... oh yea my mom got rid of my mobile home, the people who lived in the double wide behind me are moving in to it, cause the old man who owns the double wide told them they had to pay in full or move out..

Friday, September 16, 2005

GAS is going down

seen it today for 2.86, alot of other places were still 2.95 but looks like it is actually going down. well I got the job at the portrait studio in walmart... guess right now it's better then nothing, went and got my nails done and had a pedicure while there. went to a mall here is alot bigger then carosel even though samm said it was smaller will remember not to go on a friday night though .... nothing but a bunch of loud teenagers. seen groups of the that looked like the kids were only 10 to 12, wandering the mall. we went to spencers to get genos brother a bday gift for turning 50, I think that store should have an age limit on entry unless with an adult. there are things in there that they sell in adult stores, not things these little kids should be seeing... got to work tomarrow ,,,, yuck on a saturday,,, still have other interviews I am going to for jobs working only monday thru fridays,, weekends off now thats what I want

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


went to an interview for the company that does the portraits at walmart, more then likely I have it just waiting on my reference checks, which will be good. I was offered 9 an hour to start which is 2 dollars more then they start people at cause I have experience from working for one of their competitors lol life touch the ones that do school pictures.... also get commision from selling over the packages. can promote fast with them too cause they are new in 4 stores here and need lots of employees, guess I will be busting my ass or as mary will say brown nosing lol for a while , with christmas pictures starting soon it won't be too hard , I plan on being a manager of one of the stores by January if not sooner. well will let everyone know what happens with that job... at least I won't be on a leash lol. talk to yas all later

Sunday, September 11, 2005

watched flight 93 special

on discovery, brought back lots of memories from that day 4 yrs ago today. still wonder what those guys really did on flight 93. they showed the footage of the 2nd plane hitting the trade center, I remember talking to geno on the phone and he asked what was going on so I turned the tv on and said holy shit a second plane hit the trade center. did anyone else watch it???

what a boring day

played games on line, found a new poker place, its alright started with $1000 and in an hour i had almost $100,000 lol wish I could go to a casino and do that would make a career out of it lol wishful thinking huh ..... making speghetti for dinner, geno has to have wheat pasta... thanks Teri turned that thing on and now hopefully no more SPAM also figured out how to delete it off my comments. when I think about calling you to get that weather thing on it's always too late lol...not late here late there. pools closed for cleaning today so nothing to do, gas still high here, did get it the other say for 2.99 a gallon whats funny is the 2 other stations on this corner were 3.19 and 3.29 and people were in line there lol what I can't get over with the price of gas going up the morons who are buying hummers, here when you buy a new car you get a paper plate (license plate)( for the smarty pants LOL) and I have seen a bunch of new hummers driving around. some people have no brains... oh talking about cars I seen this real nice one that was a mercedes benz but looked like a jeep went to web site to see what it was and couldn't believe the price over $100,000 for it OMG we have been talking about trading the jeep in for a hybird I test drove one the other day and it was real wierd cause you can't feel it shift, it also has a check system in it and tells you gas engine OK battery engine OK, brakes OK etc. thought that was cool. have to wait about another 6 months or so before we can trade the jeep in so there maybe a possibility of getting one... save lots on gas seeing that it runs mostly with the battery engine, only uses the gas engine when charging the battery one . also when u stop at a red light it shuts off and comes back on when you put your foot on the gas lol talk to you all later


What the HELL spam in comments, these people need to get a damn life. ok Teri how do I get these low life scum bags to quit spamming lol I know u know how seeing you don't have spam in you blog. Wish I could get a penny for every spam I get I would be a millioniare. My email I open and get 20 messages, scroll through them and I delete 19 or maybe even all 20 SPAM junk out. Hey Teri looks like I can vent too lmao great teacher I got lol.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

message for miss mary

it is saturday night, did you forget something friday night lol, you didnt call me :-(

last visit to burnet park zoo

lookout hanging out in sun lamp, he just laid there while others ran around and jumped over him his head going back and forth watching them. orangatang, couldn't get good pictures of these guys cause their window was so dirty gibbon lion sticking his tongue out ssssshhhhh don't wake the monkey parrott toucan samm crocidile yes it is real not stuffed coyote taking a nap in the shade, all the times there never seen them they are always hiding one of the adolesent elephants tiger i was in the grass with this tiger lmao not really penguins eating lunch fuzzy penguin, I think this is the one that died this penguin is smiling for the camara

another day at the pool

did some running around this morning, finally opened an account at the FCU here so won't have to pay atm charges using our card from ny. decided we would cook out down at the pool, so I made bbq london broil (now that i know how to make it tender) and corn on the cob on the grill, while that was cooking we went swimming and yes it was cold after getting out lol, temp was 93. after dinner went and sat in the hot tub for a while.aaaaahhhhhhhh much better real hot when u first get in but felt good after. jump in the pool after being in there and the pool is cold ( the pool water temp is usually like 80 or higher feels like bath water). hope everyone enjoyed the fair this year, did miss not going but thats alright the state fair here in az is 3 weeks long and with admision $5 you can see the rodeo, demo derby, car races, crazy 8 cars and more for free. funny thing about it is , it's not open on mondays and it starts the week after the kids week vacation. will be funny being at the fair and wearing a sweatshirt, being it is end of october beginning of novemeber, i'm sure it will be chilly at night. I have 2 interviews set up for monday, hoping to get a good job that I like and not the one I had where I was leashed to the phone and computer lol. Had to quit that job , my neck was killing me and I had a neck/head ache for a week till the motrin finally kicked in

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hi everyone

Finally got my AZ license and registered the jeep holy cow u guys think it's alot in NY, 50 bucks for 2 yrs, I just paid $220 for 1 yr, looking for a new job, hate being on a leash at the one I got.Geno traded his truck in for a smaller one sort of the cab is smaller but the bed is bigger and less on gas and payment is lower too. can't get over the big difference in auto insurance from company to company. for 6 month premiums they go from 1100 down to 550 , gieco was raising our cause of the move which is real stupid, but geno called them and told them what we can get from another company for a lower amount and they changed ours to a lower amount hhhhhmmm didn't know car insurance did that Samm and matt have been in school now for a month and u guys are just starting, they have a week off in october and almost 3 weeks in december/January. well going to go play a pogo game talk later.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day

hope everyone had a nice day off, we just hung around the apt, went swimming while cooking dinner. Got out of the pool and was freezing lol (it was 99 out)Geno says I dont know what you are going to do when it goes down to 80 lol. I have 2 interviews tomarrow so not going into the boring job, the one I'm on a leash at lol well thats what it feels like, now I remember why I don't like call centers. You are leashed to your phone and computer and can leave only for breaks and lunch, this place also has mandatory over time. I am squirming after 2 hours and there are days I have to work ten lol. Everyone that knows me knows I can't sit still that long lol. Geno may be going to colorado or nevada for work, the cabinet place he works for has lots of work there and needs guys here to go. I really hope that I get the job with uhaul I will be the receptionist/office manager. It sounds like a good job something I will like. Well going to watch a movie I think meet the flockers, want to see hostage but can't find that dvd , we still have a few boxes that haven't been unpacked.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Our first visit to Phoenix Zoo

ostrich sunset from zoo
a green tree
rhinos a duck or swan
baby giraffe
I think these are road runners some kind of bird, cactus
bald eagel another cactus these are over grown palm trees at the enterence of the zoo

Pictures of Drive from NY to AZ

cool looking mountain these are palm trees well baby ones mountain view sunset on second nightdrive picture of the arch in St.Louis

Bare with me

ok lets see if I can do this LOL today is sept 3 2005 this is a test entry