mrsgeno's place

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

parada del sol

some pictures of the parade we went to a few weekends ago. it has a 1,000 horses in it and its to start the rodeo season. these guys did that lasso around them and the horse through the whole parade which goes for 3 miles, the guy below was standing on 2 horses and going around both of them mexican dancers the state cactus ( sagaro) there was a group of these kid clowns behind some many groups of horses, what a job lol cleaning up the poop


  • At 3/03/2006 06:47:00 AM, Blogger Terri said…

    I take it the rodeo is big there? I can't believe you have flowers out there. Do they ever die, how long does a flower garden bloom for out there? I'd kill to grow a garden year round!

  • At 3/03/2006 08:15:00 AM, Blogger mrsgeno said…

    I think it depends on the plants , but they all bloom at sometime or another during the year, cactuses bloom in winter,there are a few tree/bushes that stay blooming all year.
    yea the rodeo is big here we are in the wild wild west LOL

  • At 3/04/2006 08:12:00 AM, Blogger Terri said…

    Well... Yeeee HA! lol Matt needs a horse! j/k Are things like riding schools like Karate schools up here... everywhere you look? (sorry that just how I picture it is all)


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