won a radio contest
never won any radio contests in NY, but here they were having one on every friday they would pick the best homework excuse lol and all that know matt know he has some whoppers.
I submitted the one .... my mom didn't remind me to do that... and he won....48 hours to sylvan learning center...worth $2500 , I can't get over how expensive this place is, well yea i can seeing we had checked it out when back in NY when matt was in like 4th grade....well anyways in NY matt had an IEP for reading and writing, and here they said he didn't need it when they tested him and he has been having very poor grades since they took him out of the helping class.... testing from sylvan showed he is still having lots of problems with reading and writing....so they will work with him on that....they guarentee he will be 2 grad levels higher in 36 weeks....well guess we will see..... now would be great if he wins the trip for 4 to disney land that comes from being one of the winners in the contest....the contest is only fridays for 3 months and all winners get put in the drawing so he has a 1 in 12 chance to win.....
I really enjoy working at home LOL ,,,, get out of bed and don't have to rush around getting ready and dressed to get to work...I can take a shower during my lunch lol
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